En el libro IV de su famoso poema de 1667 Paradise Lost ( El Paraíso perdido ), John Milton (1608-1674), uno de los autores capitales de la Literatura inglesa, describe la situación de Adán y Eva en el Paraíso Terrenal, aludiendo así (versos 300-324) a la desnudez de nuestros primeros padres antes de la Caída : His fair large Front and Eye sublime declar’d Absolute rule; and Hyacinthin Locks Round from his parted forelock manly hung Clustring, but not beneath his shoulders broad: Shee as a vail down to the slender waste Her unadorned golden tresses wore Dissheveld, but in wanton ringlets wav’d As the Vine curles her tendrils, which impli’d Subjection, but requir’d with gentle sway, And by her yeilded, by him best receivd, Yeilded with coy submission, modest pride, And sweet reluctant amorous delay. Nor those mysterious parts were then conceald, Then was no...